Client's feedback
Smarten AS is a part of Antalis AS DNA! PS: DNA – Deliver New Antalis
Aivo Vellamäe
CEO / Chairman of the Management Board
Experienced, flexible, and fast – this is how our good partner Smarten can be described. The years of cooperation have been successful. Smarten’s professional team will help you – always and in any situation.
Urmas Soodla
Sales Manager
The cooperation between Smarten and Orkla Eesti AS has been going on over ten years. It is worth noting Smarten’s always pleasant attitude and their ability to find solutions quickly. Sufficient flexibility on the part of Smarten allows us to deal with the most unusual logistic situations. I believe Smarten is one of the best logistics companies in Estonia!
Ranet Untera
Logistics manager
The transfer of our enterprise – the largest producer and importer of spirits in Estonia – with all its warehouse and transport logistics to Smarten took place many years ago and was undoubtedly one of the most ambitious and daring decisions in the history of Liviko. Smarten is a strategic partner for Liviko, to whom we have entrusted the organization of all our logistics in Estonia. In recent years, Liviko has grown and developed a lot, and it was Smarten that made this growth possible from a logistics point of view. Today we do not have to worry daily about whether a new product will fit in the warehouse or whether a new customer will receive the product – Smarten is always on top of things. I am very pleased that cooperation between two large companies can be so flexible and efficient. We are confident that in the future working with Smarten will continue to provide the best and fastest customer service.
Ragnar Kits
Sales manager
Circle K Eesti AS started cooperation with Smarten in June 2009. We decided in favour of Smarten, first of all, on the basis of the price-quality ratio: in addition to reasonable pricing, we expected our partner to be an experienced logistics professional in order to make the delivery processes as efficient as possible in cooperation with Circle K Eesti AS. The transition of 46 Circle K Eesti AS service stations to the new logistics model went smoothly, further cooperation with Smarten was also remarkably good – we are very pleased with our choice of the logistics partner.
Circle K
Customer since 2009

Changing the service provider was a carefully thought-out decision for us. Thanks to Smarten’s many years of experience and competence, the entire moving process was carried out professionally and in full accordance with the plan. At the same time, there was sufficient flexibility in terms of both moving and cooperation in general.
Ranner Kuningas

Smarten’s response speed and the prompt resolution of various problems/issues are certainly important.
Kristo Eisenberg
Sales Manager

marten is reputable and reliable. The ability to handle larger volumes is good and, in addition, to be flexible, which is otherwise a feature of smaller companies. Solutions to problems are found together, and we do not feel that we are left alone with a topic or do not get enough help.
Kristo Raud
Logistics and Purchasing Manager

Põhjuseid oli mitmeid miks just Smarten? Kuvand kui kõige paremast logistika ettevõttest turul. Väga meeldiv kontakt kohe alguses. Toetav meeskond probleemide lahendamisel ja lahenduste leidmisel. Aus tagasiside ka meie toimetamiste kohta, kuidas saame oma ahelas asju paremini teha. Suureks eeliseks on teie pikaajaline kogemus turul ja olete oma valdkonnas üks kindlatest liidritest.
Kristo Hanschmidt

Smarten is an experienced and flexible logistics partner that enables Abestock to successfully commit to its core business. We have been working with Smarten for over two years. During this time, various situations have arisen, and we have always successfully resolved them thanks to Smarten’s personal and professional approach.
Kaimo Salumets
Development Director